Water makes up over 70% of the Earths surface.

Humans need water (it makes up 65% of our bodies), animals need water and plants need water. Water is essential for life. We use water particularly for drinking and recreation. On average, Australians use enough water per year to fill Sydney harbor 50 times. 

However, more and more water is becoming polluted, and it is only our selves we have to blame. Humans contaminate water all over the world, causing countless effects. Piles of rubbish have built up in water ways and is floating in the ocean, causing marine animals to die, and making water unusable. Waste water is emptied into local water ways and oceans, oil spills clog the ocean, dangerous substances are emptied into lakes. Fish submerge dead due to pollution.

Rubbish always finds its way to water if it is not binned properly. It flows down storm water drains to oceans and lakes, or is simply blown into the water. Approximately seven million tonnes of rubbish enters our worlds oceans every year, and every square mile has around 46,000 pieces of rubbish in it.

The food chain is affected by the decline of specie numbers and existence altogether. Animal numbers are declining or disappearing of the face of the planet because of marine pollution. Some animals that prey upon fish are running out of food because of the decline of that particular fish. 

Many people e are concerned about marine pollution, not only because it harms wildlife but it can also be a danger to humanity.

This site will cover different types of marine pollution, including plastic and its damage to the environment, the great pacific garbage patch, fresh water pollution and oil spills.

 Bibliography in alphabetical order

(15-Aug-09, site name "Oil spills")
(15-Aug-09, site name " fact sheet2, How long does marine debris take to break down?")
(10/08/09. site name- 'North Pacific Gyre World Map")
(15-Aug-09, site name "Oil clean up after Valdez spill, jpeg")
(16/08/09, site name " Wiki answers- how is plastic harmful to the environment")
(12/08/09, site name - "Algalita marine research foundation")
(16/08/09, site name "marine debris")
(22nd-Aug-09, site name " Tannery,jpg")

(8/08/09, Site name- 'What is water pollution')
http://www.goodplanet.info/goodplanet/index.php/eng/Pollution/Freshwater/Freshwater- pollution/(theme)/1398
(22/08/09, site name "good planet, fresh water pollution")


(29/08/09, site name "Water Pollution effects")  
(11/08/09, site name "plastic pollution destroys marine wildlife")
(15-Aug-09, site name "Green peace, Otter jpg")
(16/08/09, site name  "marine debris")
(15-Aug-09, site name " oil-spill, jpg")
http://www.lenntech.com/aquatic/introduction.htm \  
(22/08/09, site name "water purification & air treatment")
(13/08/09, site name "plastic in the marine environment")
(22/08/09, site name "garden well")
(8/08/09, site name- ' About water and Australia')

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